Information about the service fee

Dear user,

you have returned the bike improperly. Classic bikes and e-bikes have to be returned to one of the many stations in Bielefeld or along blue marked streets. E-cargobikes have to be returned to their home stations. There is a regular fee of 20 € per rental for bikes when returned improperly. This fee does not apply to the first improper return. Please note that in case of repetition the fee will apply.

You can still avoid the fee:
Go back to the bike and rent it again. Do not do this from afar, as the lock will open automatically with some bike types. The new rental will merge with the old one and the improper return fee will be cleared if you return the bike properly this time. Learn more about merging rentals.

You can see the final charges for your rentals in your rental history in your app or in your customer account via the website login.

You can get information about all tariffs under tariffs.


Which return options are there for meinSiggi Bielefeld?

Pedal Bikes

At stationes:

You can return our bikes at any official station.

Blue marked roads:

Bikes can also be returned flexibly along blue marked roads.


At e-cargobike stations & mobility stations.

E-cargobikes may only be returned to stations marked with a Cargobikes or a +.


At stationes:

You can return our e-bikes at any official station.

Blue marked roads:

E-ikes can also be returned flexibly along blue marked roads.

At e-bike stations & mobility stations

When returning e-bikes here, you will get a 50 % discount for the first 30 min of your rental

Unjust fees? What now?

Due to slight GPS deviations, you may be charged a fee for inproper return even though you returned your bike at a station. No problem. Contact our hotline at +49 (0) 341 392 839 65 or send us a message via app with your registered mobile phone number, respective bike number and a short description of the problem. We will correct the rental.