DVB – Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG

DVB subscribers enjoy 30 free minutes per rental. If you have a DVB Deutschlandticket, you can also flexibly add the additional ticket Plus MOBI for €7 per month. This also entitles you to 30 free minutes per trip and then to discounted conditions.

With your DVB-Abo FAHRKARTE you can not only rent bikes, but also easily register. Simply link your DVB-Abo FAHRKARTE in the nextbike app.


This is how you link your DVB Abo-FAHRKARTE or your Zusatzticket Plus MOBI to your nextbike account:

  1. The link can be made in the app or on this website in the Wallet section.
  2. Among the available partners, the DVB-Abo-FAHRKARTE can be selected. Here you can also select the DVB Deutschlandticket Plus MOBI.
  3. In the last step you enter either the 12-digit card number of the DVB Abo-FAHRKARTE or the 6-digit customer number of the Deutschlandticket Plus MOBI. Special characters are not necessary.
  4. By selecting the field Continue to booking, the user account will be linked. Now you can use the MOBIbike at the discounted conditions.


Note: Discounts through the partner cooperation with DVB are valid throughout Germany (except in Bremen, Oldenburg, Nuremberg and on Usedom). Furthermore, the discount only applies to the first bike, if several bikes are rented at the same time.


Attention: After the first chargeable rental with your DVB-Abo FAHRKARTE, your MOBIbike account will be temporarily blocked. Please register with nextbike before your next ride and link your customer account with your DVB-Abo FAHRKARTE or contact the nextbike hotline at +49 (0) 341-392 839 66.

More under How it works.